Do I need to be trained or certified for the Home Is Possible programs to work with my homebuyers?
Any real estate professional can work with homebuyers using the Home is Possible program without any training. We do recommend, however, you take the REALSmart Accreditation 3-hour CE Class (approved for 3 general hours by the Real Estate Division)
Enroll in REALSmart CE Class: REALSmart Accreditation CE Class
Do you have marketing materials and if so, where do I find them?
We want to make sure our real estate professionals have all the necessary resources to help their homebuyers. We have a number of flyers which you can customize by adding your name, photo and contact information. Please click here to see the flyers: Marketing Materials
Can homebuyers use any lender they want or must they use a particular lender?
To be eligible for the Home is Possible programs, homebuyers must apply through one of our over 100+ approved lenders. Find a HIP lender by clicking this link.
Can a homebuyer use their own funds in addition to the down payment assistance?
A homebuyer can use any amount of their own funds in addition to the HIP down payment assistance.